Trigonometry Overview
Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that studies triangles and the relationships between their sides and angles. Topics in trigonometry include the Pythagorean Theorem, the law of sines and cosines, trigonometric functions, right triangles, angles, graphs of trigonometric functions, and circles.
Trigonometry in the Classroom
Trigonometry is generally encountered during the high school years as a precursor to pre-calculus and calculus. The concepts that are learned in trigonometry are built upon in future math and science courses, so it is vital to master these skills.
Trigonometry Tutoring Program
Parliament's Trigonometry Tutoring Program equips students with...
- The skills necessary to master the concepts in trigonometry.
- Effective study skills which can be translated into use for other disciplines.
- Our trigonometry tutors will introduce students to all the relevant fundamentals as well as important concepts to master these sections.
Trigonometry Tutoring Enrollment & Contact Information:
To learn more speak to an Academic Advisor, submit an Inquiry Form or use our registration forms to enroll online and meet a Trigonometry Tutor today.